Thursday, April 30, 2015

Adventure Girl: Anne Frank- The Beginning of the Adventure Part 1

Hello, guys. Not gonna be here very long. I have a date with destiny (who ever said first that is really weird......).
Anyways, so this morning I had my over the phone interview with Ms. Beth Slepian. A lot of my questions were answered which led to new questions which led to more questions being answered. It was a lot of fun and if your reading this Ms. Slepian, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. That conversation will be posted within the week, so there won't be too long of a wait. ;-)
So today is the rest of the beginning of The Secret Annex Adventure. After Anne and her family moved into the Annex, about 10 days later, the van Pels came to live with them. Everyone knows Anne had a cat named Moortje, right? Well if you don't, she did. Peter van Pels, Anne's first love, brought his cat with him to the Annex. Nobody liked that idea, especially Anne. She was upset that he could bring his cat, and she couldn't.
Gotta go, dear readers. I'll be back later to input more information.

Thus the end of part 1

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Adventure Girl: Anne Frank- The Beginning of the Adventure Part 0.5

Hello, People.
As promised (sorta) I am here late at night for me, working on this blog. Ever dedicated to my readers I am. So I got another email from the Anne Frank House in NYC and I was given a few more websites to check out before we do the interview. It should only take a couple of hours on the computer to get through one of the websites. I've already started looking at one and it's . It looks pretty informative and kind of like the format for the first website I visited and that was the one. I got some more links on some books about Anne and her family in the Annex from the email I got from Mrs. Beth Slepian.
Thanks so much Mrs. Slepian!
So the interview might not be for another day or two. Or three......
Anyways, this is about the beginning of Anne's stay in the Secret Annex. Right before she left, she had on layers upon layers of clothing, and her school bag was filled with books, her diary, and other things she might need in the Annex while staying there. Margot had already gone ahead with Miep Gies. She was one of the helpers who helped the Franks, van Pels, and Mr. Pfeffer while in hiding. It was raining the entire walk to the Annex.
The Annex was located on the top floor of Otto Frank's business. It was 3 stories (roughly). The first floor of the Annex held the bathroom along with Anne's and Mr. Pfeffers' room. The second floor had the Franks room. Margot ended up sleeping in her parents room with them after Fritz came to live in the Annex. The third floor, also the dining room, was the van Pels room.
The Franks could walk around until 8:30 am when the employees came to work. Then at 12:30, the Annex members could walk around and eat lunch quickly until the workers came back. When the workers left at 5:30 pm, only then were the Annex members allowed to walk around and be loud quietly (HAHA that was an oxymoron.).
Well, I'm tired so I'm going to call it a night. This only the first part of this entry as per the "part 0.5" so there will be more tomorrow on when the van Pels come to the Annex and what they bring with them.
DUNDUNDUN! (Intense, dramatic music)
Good-bye, farewell, and I will "see" you all tomorrow.  Bye!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Adventure Girl: Anne Frank- Before She Left

Hello, again. As promised I'm back again today. You know how I said I'd call someone from the Anne Frank Center and ask about an interview? Well it turns out that instead of calling, I emailed them.
I'm so happy, I can't wait until I get another email from Mrs. Hannah Vaughn (She's the receptionist. She does very important work over at the Anne Frank Center).
As you know, or maybe don't know, the Anne Frank Center is in New York. It's all very high end and important. But anyway, there is a four hour time difference and so there may be a little complication over the time of said interview, but hopefully it will all work out fine. I'll get my interview, I can log it on my research log (which is also my essay for the project and lasts 15 REALLY LONG pages all about Anne) and I will keep tabs on the website for the Center because if I ever go to New York I will surely go see it. BTW if any of the readers wish to see it, you can go to
Make sure you enter .com instead of .org 'cuz then you'll get a totally different website that is still centered and informative about Anne.
Back to the reason for todays entry, I'll now be sharing with you portions of Anne's life before the Annex.
You see, Anne was born on June 12, 1929.  Anne was very small when Hitler came to power in 1933. Only 5 or 6. After Hitlers rise to power, Edith and Otto started looking for ways to escape Germany if any problems arose from this. They ended up moving to Amsterdam in the Netherlands a few years later. The Franks feel safe and free for a short time. The girls went to school and were treated like equals, Otto worked in his business (spices), and Edith worked at the house.
But peace doesn't last forever.
May 10, 1940, the Nazis invaded the Netherlands. At first everything seems okay. Then more and more rules are forced on the Jews. They had to turn in their bikes, they had to wear a Jewish Star of David, required to do shopping between 3 and 5 pm, frequent Jewish-owned barbershops and beauty parlors (hairstylists and the like), Had a curfew of 8pm to 6am, forbidden to go to theaters, movies plays, etc., forbidden to go swimming, play tennis, or go to any athletic field, they can't go "rowing" or boating for us modern folk, not allowed to take part in any physical activity in public ie running, jumping, dancing etc., attend Jewish schools and the like (I got that all from the book The Diary of a Young Girl sitting right next to me). It was a very harsh environment to be raised in. Pretty much the only thing you can do is ride the ferry and walk.
I could seriously never do that. I love swimming to much.
All throughout these things happening to Anne and her family, they were still kind to each other. They got along relatively well and no one suspected that Anne's parents were readying for their family to go hide in the Secret Annex.
About a week (10 days) before the family was to be in the Annex, Margot got called to report to a labor camp. When Margot got the letter, she lied to Anne and told her it was for their father. When the truth finally came out, Anne was very upset that her sister didn't trust Anne enough to tell her who the letter really was for. Finally, after gathering their things together VERY quickly, the Frank family left for the Secret Annex.
I'll get more in depth about going to the Annex more tomorrow, but right now, I'm going to sign off.
Good night one and all. I will see you tomorrow. And may have an email back from Mrs. Vaughn!
See Ya!

Remember your history or you will be doomed to repeat it.

Adventure Girl: Anne Frank

Hello Everybody!
This is my first blog and it is going to be about Anne Frank right now. Everyone knows the story of the girl who hid and was taken away just a few months before liberation. But do you know the inside story? 
I just started this as a project for my world history class, but to me it has grown into something so much more. I had simple questions that could be answered just by reading her diary or watching a movie about her. 
But as I worked, I felt a deep connection form between me and my research. I grew more and more passionate about what I was working on and the questions I had grew into deeper-meaning-ask-her-herself questions. Before I go to far though, if you don't already know, some background about Anne and her family/Annex members. 
I'll start with their deaths. Morbid and depressing, but important nonetheless. 
Anne's mother, Edith Frank, died January 6, 1945 in Auschwitz, Poland. Her sister, Margot Frank, died March 1945 in Bergen-Belsen camp. Anne's roommate, Fritz Pfeffer, died December 1944 in Neuengamme camp. Hermann van Pels died November 1944 in Auschwitz camp. Petronella van Pels died April 1945 in transit (aka thrown in front of an oncoming train) to Theresienstadt camp. Peter van Pels died May 1945 in Mauthausen camp. Anne Frank died March 1945 in Bergen-Belsen camp. Her father, Otto Frank, was the sole survivor of the 8 Annex members. Sad really. He never saw his little girl grow up into an adult.
Anne was young when she died. Just barely 16 years old, like me. She kept a diary as a friend all those many days cooped up in the Secret Annex. That's what we know her by most today. 

I think that's enough for right now. I'm hoping to call someone from the Anne Frank Institute in New York and get an interview with one of the founders. That might not happen but wish me luck. 

I think my sign off for today will be remember your history or you will be doomed to repeat it. 