Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Adventure Girl: Anne Frank- The Beginning of the Adventure Part 0.5

Hello, People.
As promised (sorta) I am here late at night for me, working on this blog. Ever dedicated to my readers I am. So I got another email from the Anne Frank House in NYC and I was given a few more websites to check out before we do the interview. It should only take a couple of hours on the computer to get through one of the websites. I've already started looking at one and it's www.annefrankguide.net . It looks pretty informative and kind of like the format for the first website I visited and that was the www.annefrank.com one. I got some more links on some books about Anne and her family in the Annex from the email I got from Mrs. Beth Slepian.
Thanks so much Mrs. Slepian!
So the interview might not be for another day or two. Or three......
Anyways, this is about the beginning of Anne's stay in the Secret Annex. Right before she left, she had on layers upon layers of clothing, and her school bag was filled with books, her diary, and other things she might need in the Annex while staying there. Margot had already gone ahead with Miep Gies. She was one of the helpers who helped the Franks, van Pels, and Mr. Pfeffer while in hiding. It was raining the entire walk to the Annex.
The Annex was located on the top floor of Otto Frank's business. It was 3 stories (roughly). The first floor of the Annex held the bathroom along with Anne's and Mr. Pfeffers' room. The second floor had the Franks room. Margot ended up sleeping in her parents room with them after Fritz came to live in the Annex. The third floor, also the dining room, was the van Pels room.
The Franks could walk around until 8:30 am when the employees came to work. Then at 12:30, the Annex members could walk around and eat lunch quickly until the workers came back. When the workers left at 5:30 pm, only then were the Annex members allowed to walk around and be loud quietly (HAHA that was an oxymoron.).
Well, I'm tired so I'm going to call it a night. This only the first part of this entry as per the "part 0.5" so there will be more tomorrow on when the van Pels come to the Annex and what they bring with them.
DUNDUNDUN! (Intense, dramatic music)
Good-bye, farewell, and I will "see" you all tomorrow.  Bye!

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